Third Coast Open
This is separate from the conventional tournament. By choosing to fish the TCO, you forfeit your ability to partake in the traditional TCFT.
Team fishing tournament.
All individuals on a boat must be registered for TCO.
Guides included even if they're not fishing the tournament.
TCO is open to boats, kayaks or wading.
Entry cost: $300.00 per team.
Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.
Open to all ages and both amateur and professional fly anglers.
Two-day fishing event on Friday and Saturday.
Captains Meeting: Thursday (5/8) 6:00-8:30 pm at Rudy’s.
Receive poker chip for CPR Tournament.
Opportunity to enter a side pot for fly tying with specified materials.
Fishing Times:
Friday: Line In 6:00 AM - Line Out 7:00 PM.
Saturday: Line In 6:00 AM - Line Out 1:00 PM.
Briscoe King Pavilion from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The Awards Ceremony will begin at 3:30 p.m.
Combined inches of 3 biggest redfish over two days.
Redfish are not restricted to the 20“-28” slot.
Max one jetty fish allowed.
All entries are by team and all scoring is by boat/team.
Up to 2 anglers per boat/team
Fly fishing is the only method allowed, using flies exclusively. The use of live bait, dead bait and artificial lures is strictly prohibited.
Time Stamp app must be used along with a poker chip.
Side pots:
Black drum- Longest black drum wins this category.
P.O.S Fly- Tie a fly with supplies we provide at captains meeting and catch fish to be entered into this side pot. Longest fish wins.
Spot pot- Spots will be based on one side of the fish.
Please bring cash for side pots to the captains meeting Thursday night.
C-P-R style (Catch, Photo, Release).
Show provided poker chip holding fish on measuring board.
We will take the measurements from the three photos submitted at check-in
Fish documentation using Timestamp Camera app and Metal Check-It Stik.
Fish will be measured on a Metal Check-It Stik with measurement numbers clearly visible to the 1/8”.
Clearly show the fish’s nose at end of the device and the tail at the other.
Final scoring measurement will be determined by the official judge. Clear and concise photos are required. If it’s unclear, we will go with the shortest discernable length.
Teams must record all caught fish on the provided score card.
Tiebreaker based on the largest individual fish.
Other Details:
This is separate from the conventional tournament. By choosing to fish the TCO, you forfeit your ability to partake in the traditional TCFT.
Check-in location: Briscoe King Pavilion.
Texas Parks and Wildlife and state boating regulations apply.